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Weight Loss Tips

You thought you knew them all? We think so! MH's digest arms you with the most knowledge so you can once and for all those who shred the hard thumb of your intestines.
Which food is your natural allies?                                           1. Eat vitamin-filled melon followed by an egg protein for the perfect fighting fat breakfast. The eggs broke the melon's carbs.
2. Swap your regular cheese for goat's cheese. It is 40 percent lower in calories than cheese made from cow's milk.
3. Drinking oolong tea instead of water. The combination of caffeine and EGCGs 12 per cent more body fat burn.          4. Choose spinach ahead of the other greens. It packs twice the fiber, which helps your body process fats more efficiently.
5. A daily glass of red wine may stop the fat, especially around your stomach.Resveratrol of grape inhibit the development of fat cells.
6. Eat more berries weight loss. Other fruit contains fructose, which can combine with body fat carbs to add.

7. Eat a bowl of muesli two hours before training increased fat burning during your session. Muesli is a slowdigesting carbohydrates and is less likely to be transferred to the body as fat. A good energy boost.
8. Eat "good" fats to burn fat. Eggs, walnuts, rapeseed oil and the dark meat chicken is all good for this, and also help cut the risk of heart disease.
9. Eat Swiss cheese after a meal fat fighting a boost. It contains a powerful fat burning Calcium.
10. A salad of black beans, peppers, tomatoes, onions and sweet corn with olive oil and lemon juice helps to lose weight. This healthy combination will shed the pounds.
11. Eating avocado. It will provide that oleic acid Aids weight loss and help to prevent hunger.
12. Eat two scrambled egg whites and two sausages for breakfast. The protein will hunger at bay hold.
13. Drop a few kg by switching to the red cabbage with your lunch every day. It supports weight loss by increasing your body's production of fat burning and appetite-Adiponectin suppresses leptin.
14. Want to lose weight, but love mutton? Portions taken from the loin end of the hind leg packs most proteins, with a minimum of fat marbling.
15. Drinking juice with "bits". The fiber is processed quickly, you feel fuller for longer.
16. Eat high-fiber, low-starch carbohydrates such as raw nuts, quinoa, barley and oats.It will regulate insulin levels and reduce hunger throughout the course of the day.
17. Eat pineapple. Not only a great snack to spark your metabolism, it bromolina breaking down proteins.
18. Sprinkle cinnamon in a yogurt every day to burn fat. The spice is a powerful metabolism raiser, half a teaspoon a day is enough for an extra pounds a month to burn.
19. Swap rice grated cauliflower to your instinct to shave. This is a non-starchy, and Vitamin C help hit your body burn fat for fuel in physical activity.
20. Add chilli to your meals. It contains capsaicin that fires your metabolism of fats faster processing.
21. Add peppers to meals. The ground red peppers contain six times the vitamin C tomatoes, essential for helping your body fat into energy to turn.
22. Verdun full-fat milk in your cereal with water. This reduces the absorption of sugar and reduce the intake of fat.
23. Fishing and natural yoghurt will help your metabolism. They are good sources of iodine, which encourages the thyroid to burn fat.
24. Sip green tea. It contains a compound that reacts with caffeine fat oxidisation a boost.
25. To add your tomatoes in sandwiches will keep you feeling fuller longer and makes you less likely to gorge on the post-lunch snacks. The fruit suppresses the hunger hormone Ghrelin.
26. Milk drinking. Calcium prevents fat storage at the cellular level
27. Eating blue corn tortilla chips. They are half the fat of the standard chip and release sugar slowly into the bloodstream that control insulin levels and slow weight gain.
28. Red meat can help you lose weight. It packs a lot of proteins that help maintain muscle mass and muscle burns four times as many calories as fat.
29. Vinegar-based dressings containing foods acetic acid with fat-burning rate increases. Add a few glugs vinegar to salads daily.
30. Drizzle a little olive oil on salads. The "good" fats trigger a protein that tells the body it is full, to help prevent overeating of.
31. Try omega-3 fatty acids as a new supplement to lose weight. Found in fish and nut oils, it is essential to good fats to help cut weight. Bonus: help reduce heart disease.
32. Munch three 250-calorie protein snacks a day. Those who do are 30 percent more likely to lose weight.
33. Go for pomegranates. Their seed oil reduces the body's ability to store fat, and they will desire to combat sugars.
34. Red peppers. They contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives them their taste, and your resting metabolic rate by up to 25 percent increase.
36. Eating rajma masala once a week. The spices for the promotion of metabolism.
37. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil a day. This will increase your metabolism and reduce body fat.
38. Go nuts with 70 almonds a day. You lost eight percent body fat in six months. Their protein and fiber keep you feeling full.
39. Eat beans. People who eat 22 percent less likely to be obese.
40. Add the lentils at every meal on the lost 7kg in 10 weeks. The pulses are packed with the amino acid leucine, which burn fat fast.
41. Strategise your food. Even the lightest snacks in your office canteen can lead to obesity. Pack food and home life lighter!
42. Eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal. You will consume 187 calories less than you do.
43. Want to increase metabolism with breakfast? Blend 200g of strawberries, 125 ml soy milk and vanilla extract 2tsps for a belly busting smoothie.
44. Grab a handful of peanuts a day. It is hearthealthy folates and fiber, plus a higher satiety level as the other food.
45. Finding the right percentage of body fat. Eating 1.5g of protein per kilogram of body weight.
46. Add spring onions to your post-workout meal. They metabolise carbs for fuel, which aids weight loss.
47. Drinking grapefruit juice. You will lose 2 kg in 12 weeks because of its insulin-reducing enzymes.
48. Eat eggs for breakfast. It contains low-calorie protein, ideal for weight loss, plus they keep you full all morning.49. Eat a portion of the dairy every day. The doubling of calcium intake increases the rate your body metabolizes fat by 50 percent.
50. A glass of carrot juice a day will help you lose 2kg more than 12 weeks. It is high in nutrients that help burn fat.
51. Drizzle on some soy to shed pounds. Research shows soy protein interaction with receptors in our brain that tells us we are full .Lifestyle Make this a habit.                                                      52. Sugarfree Gum Chew. Do it for 15 minutes after eating, and again two hours later, snack cravings cutting.
53. Eating raw peppers. They stress hormones in your body, boost your metabolism and weight loss improve.
54. Eating with others. Research shows people that match their food intake to eat their partner. Eat with a woman which means 35 percent fewer calories.
55. Take a calcium supplement. You lose 2.6 per cent more fat than those who do not.
56. If it did not grow, walking or swimming, do not eat it. Processed food has an unhealthy transfats and artificial sweeteners.
57. Have a laugh. A good laugh for 10 minutes a day increased weekly energy consumption by up to 280 calories.
58. Multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 10 to know how many calories to eat daily. It keeps your eye on the prize.
59. Cut out the late night carbs. Larger males are probably 25 percent of their calories after their evening meal to eat.
60. Cut food into strips and stack it high. You will eat less but feel full.
61. Order a large meal rather than a mixed dish. Small dishes urge you to over-eat.
62. Request an all-you-caneat Chinese buffet? Cut calories by 30 percent through the use of chopsticks.
63. Cut your food consume 20 percent fewer calories. Sliced ​​well is greater than equal amounts of all vegetables.
64. Take lunch breaks away from your desk. You will consume 250 fewer calories a day than those who eat and work.
65. More calories burned, listening to music that build rate during the workout. This will help guard against fatigue.
66. Make a point with acupuncture. Do this once a week to lose 4.5kg in 90 days.Pressure Points trigger pulses that suppress appetite.
67. Exclude carbs will lead to store more fat in the long run. Cutting carbs by 200g a week to the appetite suppressing hormone leptin to blow.
68. Wearing glasses with blue lenses. They include cutting weight hunger stimulating red light.
69. Listen to classical music. Relaxing music while eating, you eat less.
70. Turn off your TV while you eat. This will cut 3.5kg of weight gain each year.
71. Stress at work is the biggest cause of overeating. Breathing for two minutes and focus on your diaphragm will suppress hunger.
72. Fire in the tandoor to cook the meat in your calories. Barbecuing meat an extra fat to escape while it cooks. If you're slimming, it is heated.
73. Go to the theater. Plain popcorn lowers your blood glucose levels and burn fat.
74. Take a hot bath at night to help with digestion. It will also help you sleep.
75. Invest in a juicer for your bar. Freshly squeezed fruit juice mixed with your beverage can cut alcohol intake and provides antioxidants.
76. A strategic beverage aids weight loss. Small amounts of alcohol increases the body's metabolic rate, causing more calories to be burned.
77. Waiting to go for seconds. It takes your brain 20 minutes to tell you that you feel.
78. Allow a maximum of three hours between meals. This ensures your metabolic rate does not fluctuate.
79. Have more sex. As well as a burning 150 calories every 20 minutes, it increases a hormone that your metabolism and increase lean muscle growth.
80. Click the Horlicks before bed. It is full of sleep-inducing trytophan. Lack of sleep cortisol spikes, disturb blood sugar and lead to overeating.
81. Sit at the table to eat. You'll eat a third less than when munching on the move.
82. Eat breakfast. Those who fail to kickstart their metabolism with a morning meal 100 more calories per day eating.ExerciseTime to transform your regime.                                                  83. Avoid energy drinks during your workout. Their high-GI carbohydrates, you can pick up body fat. Drink water instead
84. Walk to exercise to keep fat-fighting enzymes work. The sitting for too long deactivates the enzymes that prevent fat storage.
85. Double your calorie burn. Alternate between upper-and lower-body movement during your workout.
86. Hit the treadmill. The machine is the best tool in the gym to get the most calories in the shortest time to burn.
87. Burn fat faster spin. Ten minutes of this will be the same number of calories burned as a half-hour jog.
88. Taking creatine after weight training. This will be your body's metabolic rate to increase by 6 percent so you will burn more fat.
89. 10 burpees every morning. 30 seconds of intense exercise every day your metabolism in two weeks.
90. Resistance training with low weights builds muscle fibers type II. It is important for increasing the metabolism and reduce body fat.
91. Be quick. Executive explosive exercises 11 percent more calories than they burn slowly to do.
92. Do not exercise alone. Train with friends and you will be one third more weight lost.
93. Work with your leg muscles rather than your body. Your body uses more energy and calories.
94. Enter your cardio exercises at 06:00. This is when the body temperature peaks, making for faster reactions.
95. Pump iron quickly. Lifting weights more explosive burn more calories.
96. Take whey protein. It will also help you lose 6 percent more body fat than those who do not use it.
97. Exercise in sunlight 20 percent more body fat to lose. It increases the appetite killer leptin.
98. High-intensity intervals is the perfect lard-busters. They burn 30 percent more calories.
99. Bleary-eyed exercise helps you burn fat faster. Training first thing in the morning will shed a kilo faster than at any other time.
100. Play squash for an hour. You will burn more calories in 1035 than any other sport you play.                                                                   

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