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Gift Ideas For 8-Year Old Boys

It Can be Hard to Find Gift Ideas for 8-Year Old Boys!

In my home, I have three boys with very different interestsA teenager and pre-teen, and then an 8-year old boy.As I've learned over the years, this age is difficult to shop for, considering that they are no longer very young children that enjoy many traditional toys. At the same time, they are too young (in my opinion) for cell phones or other expensive electronics. Plus, some of the more mature video games are probably a few years away. As with any gift-buying guide, you will want to consider what the recipient enjoys. My 8-year old son is not really into sports like his older brothers. However, he has a keen interest in astronomy and geography. So, while I might not shop in traditional outlets for gifts for this unique boy, I can still find some affordable, interesting gifts for him.

If you are looking for a birthday gift, holiday presents, or just a treat for a special occasion, here's your gift idea guide for 8-year old boys!

Traditional Gifts for 8-Year Old Boys

Back when I was young, the gifts that most 8-year old boys on my street received were a bit different than today's kids. Fortunately, this age still enjoys affordable gift selections!Building toys like Legos, Kinex, Jenga, or even Lincoln Logs are popular. Again, know the specific interests of the child. Some enjoy Indiana Jones, while others may be more into Star Wars or Dinosaurs. There is a wide variety of sets available, with price ranges from $6-8 (for small individual sets) to over $100! At this age, 8-year old boys may still enjoy building their creations with an adult. Consider spending time together after gifts are opened.
8-year old boys may still enjoy board games or games to be played "in person" (i.e. not electronics). These games are popular and easy to learn to play:
  • Sorry!
  • Monopoly Jr.
  • Scrabble Jr.
  • Angry Birds
  • Sequence for Kids
  • Bananagrams
  • Uno!
  • Connect 4
  • Trouble
  • Yahtzee
Don't forget classic games such as checkers, chess, dominoes, or Chinese checkers! Why not gift a deck of cards and teach your 8-year old boy how to play solitaire or war?
Speaking of cards, sports trading cards could be gifted to help start a collection. Of course, Pokémon cards are quite popular among young boys (and some girls) too. They are collected, organized and traded by kids.
As you will notice with the range of gifts suggested in this section, games and toys for 8-year old boys cover a relatively large spectrum of maturity levels. Children that have older siblings, or who are exceptionally bright, may be ready for regularMonopoly or Scrabble, rather than the Jr. versions. Also keep in mind whether there are younger children in the home that might be subject to choking hazards from small pieces.

Electronic Gifts for 8-Year Old Boys

There is a wide range of electronic gifts that 8-year olds will enjoy.My son is begging for a small, hand-held digital camera this Christmas. You can find "beginner" cameras for as little as $35 which might be a good place to start. Some manufacturers have introduced video cameras that are also quite affordable. Keep in mind that children this age may drop or lose electronics, so buy a sturdier, less-expensive model.

Video game systems and handheld devices continue to be popular, from Nintendo DSI consoles to X-Box 360, Wii and Sony PS3. Whether you are going to purchase a new system or device, or merely add to a game collection, most 8-year old boys would be excited to receive that gift. Check with the boy's guardians regarding games he currently owns and any restrictions on content and age ratings (for example, some games are rated "T" for teen, or "M" for mature).
Popular gaming gifts for 8-year old boys:
  • Games based on movie or T.V. characters (i.e., Spongebob Squarepants)
  • Mario Brothers (many different game selections)
  • Pokémon (again many different games to choose from)
  • Rock band games
  • Sonic
  • Mario Kart
Boys that enjoy music might like an mP3 player. Again, there are lower-priced models available, including pre-owned. Along with the digital music player, a gift certificate for tunes will be appreciated. Adults should help an 8-year old in selecting songs and redeeming a certificate.
  • When it comes to cell phones, my personal belief is that 8-year olds are too young, although not everyone agrees! My older sons were in Middle School before I determined they were responsible enough for a phone. That said, my 8-year old son and his 8-year old twin daughter would be thrilled to get a new cell phone as a present.
  • Entertainment Gifts for 8-Year Old Boys

    Boys that are eight years old are usually in 2nd or 3rd grade. Many of these children are reading and some are even enjoying books on their own! Children's reading abilities vary greatly, so check with a parent or guardian about the type of books the child enjoys and ask about age-appropriate materials.
    Consider these popular reading selections for 8-year old boys, among others:
    • Magic Treehouse Series
    • Captain Underpants Series
    • Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series
    • Geronimo Stilton Series (my son's personal favorite)
    • Charlie Bone Series (more advanced readers)
    • Harry Potter Series (advanced readers with parent's oversight)
    • Chronicles of Narnia (advanced readers)
    In addition to books, 8-year old boys love to receive DVDs (movies). Some kids decide that animated features are too "babyish" for them, however, there are not very many features that are rated "G" or even "PG" that may be appropriate for school-aged children.
    Be aware that movies rated "PG-13" often include coarse language, sexuality and use/abuse of drugs or alcohol. Others, like the popular Harry Potter movies, may be too violent for some kids. Its wise to check with a parent before purchasing a DVD for an 8-year old.

    Sports-Related Gift Ideas for 8-Year Old Boys

    When it comes to boys you can hardly go wrong with sports-related gifts. Whether they are engaged in organized sports, or simply enjoy bicycle riding, swimming or other outdoor activities, all you need to do is find out what they enjoy and gift ideas are easy.
    Boys at this age are getting more coordinated. While some of the following gifts are universal and can be enjoyed for years to come, others are more specific to sports teams on which the child may be participating. In my home, I am always appreciative to have my kids get presents that they can use outdoors:
    • Bicycles
    • Scooters
    • Roller blades
    • Skateboards
    • Skis/snowboards
    • Baseball gloves, bats, caps, pitching screens, etc.
    • Footballs, helmets, pads, etc.
    • Basketballs, basketball hoops
    • Accessories such as helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, gloves, hats, caps, etc.
    • Swim trunks or shorts, goggles, etc.
    • Ski caps, goggles, helmets, boots, etc.
    • Sleds, toboggans and other winter sports
    If the 8-year old boy in your life has a favorite college or professional team, they will likely appreciate related gear. From sweatshirts to t-shirts, banners, posters, the list is endless. Heck, there are even toothbrushes and bedding sheets with sports teams logos!
    Another sports gift idea is to give tickets to a favorite team event. Plan a day together with your 8-year old. Time with a special adult is always appreciated!

    Is Your 8-Year Old Boy into Sports?

    Imaginative Gifts for 8-Year Old Boys

    As the mother of three boys, it is kind of sad to say that 8-year olds are nearing the end of imaginative play. Give it 2, maybe 3 more years, and its over. So, capture the innocence and excitement of imaginative gifts for 8-year old boys while you can - now.My kids have really enjoyed toys based on popular movies, such as Star Wars and Harry Potter. Other classics continue to be revived in the movies, including Batman, Spiderman and Captain America.

    In the Star Wars theme, you can find action figures, light sabers, capes, masks and more. Similarly, for fans of Harry Potter, wands, robes, glasses and spell books are fun, imaginative gifts for 8-year old boys.

    Gift Cards, Cash or Gift Certificates?

    Speaking from personal experience, boys this age still want to open presents, rather than receive a gift card or cash. However, if you are having difficulty finding a particular video game or book, you could consider a gift card with a note that explains what you were looking for. Make it special by offering to take the child shopping in the future with the gift card.

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